New Wide Angle Lens

I have always wanted a super wide angle lens. I love the images that it can produce. I had my kit lens that was 17mm to 85mm but with the small chip in my camera it really could not produce the effects that I always wanted. A couple months back this lens started giving me trouble and I need to send it to Canon for repair. Well from Belize that proves to be a little difficult. I thought about it long and hard and came to the decision that with my limited funds I should invest in the super wide angle lens.

Two weeks ago my lovely fiancée Nicola brought it for me from the UK. I went for a Sigma 10mm-20mm instead of the Canon 10mm-22mm because of the price and also because I have read so many great reviews about it. The same day that Nicola arrived home I went out and started taking pictures of anything I could.

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My two dogs were playing in the yard, with their new toys, and they became my subject for that afternoon’s photography. The first thing I had to get use to was how close I have to get to them! They found it great fun trying to lick the lens when I got too close (good thing that I have a UV filter for it as well). It is simply amazing what you can do with the lens. I love it! It was quite amusing looking at the photographs afterwards, especially the ones where the dogs got very close and their noses became long and stretched! I am still practicing with the lens and will post an update soon, along with some more photos.

Here are some more pictures of the dogs.

About Karel Kuran

I'm freelance photographer living in Southwest of England. I am a proud member of The Royal Photographic Society. My work has been published in books and magazines over the last few years in different countries around the world. My Olympic Torch image is a winning picture from the Amateur Photographer / BT Spirit of the Olympics competition. As a result of this competition the image has been published in London 2012 Olympic Games promotional materials. You can also find me on the RED BUBBLE, FLICKR and FACEBOOK communities where much of my work is also displayed. I am always learning new skills and techniques and if you have any advice or comments about my work I would love to hear from you. My website is: My Facebook Page is:
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2 Responses to New Wide Angle Lens

  1. Graham Morgan says:


    Admit it, its not the lens. Your dogs just have weird heads :))

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